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Curriculum Intent

Here at Woodside, our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and the future. We provide a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education and pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential.


Curriculum Intent

At Woodside Primary School, our children are some of the most appreciative and respectful, despite many not having the opportunities of their peers throughout the county.  It is for this reason that the Curriculum Intent at Woodside Primary School is designed to:

  • Offer breadth, not just in terms of coverage but in terms of the opportunities it provides. 

  • Be truly relevant, in terms of teaching about what has happened in the past, as well as preparing children for life in modern Britain and a culturally diverse society.

  • Be delivered in a creative but rigorous way in order to check that children are retaining the knowledge and demonstrating the skills that are needed not only for their next steps in education, but also in the world outside.

  • Instil a strong work ethic in our children and a desire to do the best they can, both personally and academically

  • Raise ambitions amongst our children and their families, with a view to increasing social mobility.

  • Take account of the necessary cultural capital and fill the gaps that won’t be filled unless it happens in school.

  • Provide an offer to all groups and individuals that will counter the disadvantage some of our children experience.

  • Underpin key values such as strong relationships and working together, empathy, friendship, developing good mental health strategies and promoting mutual respect and personal responsibility across the whole school community. 

Our Curriculum Drivers

In our school, the ethos is to place the child at the centre of everything. All those involved with Woodside Primary School aim to provide every child with opportunities to acquire the skills to enable them to learn the things they need for a life time.   

We have developed three curriculum drivers that shape our curriculum, bring about the aims and values of our school and aim to address some of the barriers to learning that the children in our school face. These three drivers are possibilities, environment and mindfulness.


Possibilities - Children cannot aspire to things they have never encountered. We will work to broaden our children’s horizons, expanding their knowledge of the world and by nurturing their interests and feelings towards what is new.


Environment - We believe our children need to know about and understand the world that is on their doorstep and beyond. They need opportunities to develop a care for the environment whilst experiencing the richness of its diversity.


Mindfulness - Everyday life can be hectic for today’s children; they’re under more pressure than ever in today’s world. We want our children to develop strategies that are useful in addressing the kinds of worries that we all experience. This, in turn, will help them learn how to work skilfully with the stresses and strains of childhood and adolescence without being swept away by them, ultimately building up their resilience. These coping skills then remain with them into adulthood.


Our Curriculum Drivers are also linked to our school values and with celebrations and events throughout the year. Together they form the basis of everything we do and how we behave in and around school, from Reception to Year 6, in all aspects of school life.  They also support the teaching of British Values throughout the school. 

Our Values










'Educating with pride, learning together.'

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